Tuesday, November 14, 2006

On Your Mark. Get Set...

BLOG?! Apparently so. John DeBella demands it- I obey. Why, you say? Because I'm his intern, dammit! It's just what we do... and love to do, at that. Swear. Yeah, I know... "Don't take any crap from anybody (microphone off) ...unless you're an intern! WahAhaha*nose sound* hawaha ha" That's how it is. There's your insider's look for the day. More to come! Like what Giant Brian doesn't want his wife to know... but I digress. After several weeks of early alarm-setting, story-searching, stack-stapling, show-stopping shenanigans... I find myself here. With you, online, faithful JDB listeners. You are inside the mind of myself, Dave the Intern. "The internal intern". Be glad you have the luxury of tuning in and out of it! I'm stuck here. Peer in anytime you like... I'll be dishing the juice on all the crap I DO put up with from this big dumb show, and the even BIGGER dumb show I like to call... Life. Peace in the Northeast.