Thursday, January 4, 2007

Almost Playoff Time

I was reading through the papers today and started to feel like a real lameass fan. In all the hustle and bustle of the holidays I keep forgetting the Eagles are in the playoffs! It's crazy, the NFL playoffs are this weekend! Holy weekend with the boys. I don't know how this hasn't been on my mind... I guess time flys when you have a winning streak. They start in 2 days, the Eagles seem to have a great shot at another run to the Big Bowl, and if they don't make it?? Well, it's hibernation time until Opening Day at Citizen's Bank. I like my sports outdoors.

If the Eagles lose on Sunday, the Enquirer's sports section might as well just go away. Switch it classifieds! "In Search of...cyanide". Maybe full page Zoloft spreads... year round. Actually, just move the sports section under "Crime Report".

The Eagles can be a much-needed hero for this city, at the start of this 2007. Keep them ham-hand fingers crossed!

Peace in the NorthEast.